Our Society

Qualicum Beach Family History Society was incorporated on  May 31, 2004 under the provisions of the Society Act of British Columbia. It is now dissolved!

The purposes of the Society are:

(a)   To promote the study of genealogy and genealogical research;

(b)   To encourage accurate, ethical and thorough research principles and techniques;

(c)  To maintain a library for the collection of information pertaining to genealogy and local history;

(d)   To publish a regular journal containing genealogical and historical information;

(e)   To establish friendly relations with other organizations and genealogical societies for the exchange of ideas, information and the promotion of common interests;

(f)   To promote workshops, seminars and similar learning situations pertaining to genealogical research that may be useful to members and others in the community.

2023/2024 Society Directors:

Acting President Dick McClellan
Acting Vice-President Ernst Stjernberg
Recording Secretary Barbara Parry
Treasurer Joe Forsyth
Director at Large Kim Watts
Past President

 2023/2024 Committee Members and Volunteers

Membership: Cathy Smart

Education: Joe Forsyth; Donna Fraser; Liz Clapp; Barbara Parry;

Publicity: Vacant

Programs:  Dick McClellan; Ernst Stjernberg

Communications: Catherine Smart

Library: Liz Clapp

Journal Editor: Sheila Albrecht

Equipment Set-up: Dick McClellan; Ernst Stjernberg

Social:   Dawn Harrison; Carole Cudmore

Historian and Archives: Vacant

Sunshine Person: Carole Cudmore

Greeter:  Sheila Albrecht