Presentation by Lianne Krüger
Rotary House 211 Fern Road West, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, Canada"Through the Prairies to the Rocky Mountains: Records of Western Canada"
Our meetings are normally held on the third Wednesday of each month (except for July and August). Dates for other special events for both QBFHS and other family history societies will also be included in this calendar.
Please click on the event title in calendar view for detailed information on event description, times and locations.
"Through the Prairies to the Rocky Mountains: Records of Western Canada"
Members' stories and "Bring & Brag"
Maybe a story about one of your relatives, a new contact made with your DNA results, anything like that.
If you have an old object, photo, memento or heirloom, bring it and put it on our side table for display and a chat.
FamilySearch Centre 591 Arbutus Qualicum Beach open for individual researchers
Gordon MacBean will make a presentation entitled "Finding clues in family photographs" The presentation will start at 7:00 PM Pacific Time and will be followed by the business meeting. Look under "Speakers" on website for more details.
Joe Forsyth and Liz Clapp will take you deeper into the 80%+ of Family Search that is not accessible
at home and not indexed. Come and explore what you might find in parish records, occupational
records and other church records. If there is a place you would like to explore deeper, come and tell
us about it.
Open House at Rotary House, 211 Fern Road West, Qualicum Beach. All welcome.
In Partnership with CRGS we are presenting Two renown International Speakers: Dr. Janet Few from Great Britain and Nancy Lowe from the USA
Dr Janet Few is a well-known family and social historian who lectures regularly on these topics across the English-speaking world.
Archivist and genealogist Nancy Loe provides expert guidance on information management and US and European research.
General Meeting of the Qualicum Beach Family History Society. The speaker will Kerry Parker on the topic: "One Qualicum man's sacrifice to keep us safe through two world wars". Story: My Great Uncle, was a kind and gentle man who loved nothing better than singing in his church choir, working in his garden, and being […]
QBFHS will hold it's annual Christmas Social at the Black Goose Inn, 1051 Resort Drive, Parksville, British Columbia V9P 2E4
Thank you for using our events calendar and we hope to see you at one of our events soon.